Deadly Islands

(aka Mystery of the Lost Islands) In a unique approach that blends all of the blue chip qualities of a natural history documentary series with an investigative twist, audiences will follow renowned zoologist Dave Salmoni in the role of detective as he sets out to crack some of the last big secrets of five remote … Read more

Extinction The Facts

There are now one million species at risk of extinction. Extinction The Facts presented by Sir David Attenborough explores how this crisis of biodiversity will affect us all, threatening food and water security, undermining our ability to control our climate and even putting us at greater risk of pandemic diseases. Humankind’s destructive relationship with the … Read more

Miami Mega Jail

Louis spends time in one of the most notorious sections of Miami County Jail: the fifth & sixth floor of ‘main jail’ a vast holding pen for the un-convicted where most inmates are awaiting trial. 2 x 60′ documentary BBC for BBC2 – 2011 Directed by Emma Cooper Available on Netflix

Tom Parker: Inside My Head

In October 2020 The Wanted’s Tom Parker was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour called a glioblastoma multiforme. This 90 minute documentary follows Tom and his young family as they navigate treatment and try to come to terms with the diagnosis. Nominated: National Television Award (Best Authored Documentary) Tom Parker: Inside My Head90 minute film … Read more

Inside Cern

With exclusive behind-the-scenes access, Horizon follows the highs and lows of an extraordinary story in particle physics. In June 2015, teams at CERN started running the large hadron collider at the highest energy ever. Rumours quickly emerged that they were on the brink of a huge discovery. A mysterious bump in some data suggested a … Read more

The Hunt For Gaddafi’s Billions

When Muammar Gaddafi was killed, Libya soon discovered vast quantities of his enormous wealth had disappeared. This investigative documentary follows two different teams of money hunters into the murky world of african politics. But what are their intentions, and will they ever find the money? The Hunt for Gaddafi’s Billions1 x 90′ documentary Brook Lapping … Read more

Wild Lives

Wild Lives is a Disney Nature special, looking behind the scenes with camerawoman Sophie Darlington at the making of some of Disney Nature’s most popular wildlife films. Wild Lives: Inside Disney Nature1 x 60′ natural historySilverback Films for Disney Nature – 2015 Directed by Hilary JeffkinsExecutive Producer – Keith Scholey Strings performed by Peter Gregson … Read more

Are Health Tests Really a Good Idea?

Michael Mosley puts himself through a battery of health tests available to people who feel perfectly well. From an expensive heart scan to a new national screening procedure to detect the earliest signs of bowel cancer, Mosley sets out to discover which if any of the tests are worth doing. Are Health Tests Really A … Read more

How We Invented the World

This four-part series explores the most iconic inventions and breakthroughs of the modern age, from the cell phone to the airline black box, revealing secrets of what’s to come, from guns that check your DNA fingerprint before they can fire, to transparent planes that save fuel and allow passengers to see the world in a … Read more


Would you risk your life to save a stranger? Saved is a four-part drama-documentary series telling the true stories of Britons who were rescued from life threatening situations by a complete stranger. Saved4 x 60′ drama-documentaryThe Garden for ITV – 2016 Directed by Jonathan RuddProduced by David Wise Score recorded at Script Studios, Kings CrossScore … Read more

No Man Left Behind (Shok Valley)

Ambushed on a dangerous hillside in Afghanistan by Taliban combatants, a small team of Green Berets fought through serious casualties to bring everyone home alive. Directed by: James Bryce No Man Left Behind1 x 60 drama documentaryRaw TV for National Geographic – 2016

NYPD: Biggest Gang in New York?

In the wake of the shooting of five Dallas police officers, BBC Three investigates why tension is rising between America’s police forces and ethnic minorities. Shot on the streets of New York, the film follows ‘Cop Watchers’ – men and women who track the NYPD in a cat-and-mouse game to try and film arrests and … Read more

Life & Death the Pentecostal Way

Pentecostalism is now the largest Christian faith in London. What is it about this rapidly growing religion that makes it so appealing? This one-hour observational documentary will follow the stories of members of the congregation at defining moments in their lives. Through powerful personal stories it will lift the lid on a vibrant faith that … Read more

Life on the Psych Ward

How do you discharge a patient from a psychiatric hospital when they’ve committed terrible acts of violence in the past? Life on the Psych Ward delves into the lives of three patients at the Bethlem Royal Hospital, one of the most dangerous places to work in the NHS, as they face the prospect of discharge … Read more

Girls on the Pull

Hair is a multi-billion pound industry. It is a potent sign of femininity, sexuality, and health. As a nation, we’re obsessed with it – we preen it, cut it, style it, dye it and spend millions on it every year. Losing it can be devastating, yet across Britain an estimated one million people are literally … Read more